Get to know who we are

Our Background

EAR Construction Company Limited is a registered construction firm established in 2004. Our experienced craftsmen work with our leading Architect to provide top quality service in shop fitting and construction. EAR Construction was registered through the Contractors Registration Board in 2010 and certified as CLASS FIVE Building Contracting. We provide services such as remodeling, refurbishment, maintenance, shop fitting and general construction to banking institutions, commercial and residential premises.

About Us

EAR Construction Company is a growing business with the capacity to provide each client with requested services as per design and specification. We always work in partnership with our clients to reach their goals. Technology is always advancing and adapting, and so is EAR. We work with local available materials, architectural accessories and import other advanced construction materials that are not readily available or manufactured in Tanzania. We ensure quality and customer satisfaction while controlling the cost

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the client with the best products and design from our talented team of craftsmen

Our Vision

Our work is not done until we have provided excellent service and shown our skills as a leading construction company

Our Values

We value quality and innovation and meet every standard while also keeping up with the latest technology

Why Choose Us

Our dedication to detail and quality service, as well as our experience set us apart in the sector


From remodeling and maintenance to demolition, our team has extensive experience in meeting client requirements


Our focus on high quality work means that we invest in the latest technology to get the product and design you want


Our priority is quality. We generate works that meet every standard of our consultants and clients.

Clients We’ve Worked With

We provide construction services to a wide variety of clients. Check them out: